Friday, July 10, 2009

Before having garage sale, check if items recalled

Before Garage Sale, Beware Of Recalled Items

Garage sale operators cannot sell recalled products, under a recent law change.

You could be breaking the law just by selling certain items.

It's hard to believe you can actually get into trouble just by having a garage sale. It's easy to do, Tucker says, because she almost did it. Tucker was about to sell magnetic toys she bought for her children several years ago, until an estate sale expert advised her to do some homework.

"Go online and check to see if (a type of item) has been recalled," Diane Hudec said. "If it has, throw it away." In fact, it's illegal to sell a recalled item at a garage sale, a yard sale or even on the Internet.

It's a new law that was signed just last year.

Whether you're selling toys, baby products, baby furniture, or any other items you need to make sure they have not been recalled.

Where do you look?

It's a tough law to enforce because the agency doesn't have the people to go around checking garage sales. But if someone turns you in, you could face a fine.

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